Welcome to the Recovery System
Please use the log below with your clinician trained in Modern Patient Education to track your Recovery Homework daily
Please use the log below with your clinician trained in Modern Patient Education to track your Recovery Homework daily
- To log steps: use a fitbit, activity tracker, smart watch, or just your smart phone in your pocket and try to progress to 10,000 steps a day minimum
- To log sleep: use an activity tracker, or download
- sleep as android for Android phones
- autosleep for iOS
- use headspace for mindfulness
- use Greger's Daily Dozen to track your Plant Based Diet
- take two walks independent of getting your steps, and moving around regularly
- try not to sit for longer than 30-45 minutes at a time
- get up and fill up a large water bottle regularly and hydrate
- if your urine is clear, you're on the right track
- plus, you won't urinate in your pants, making you more likely to move around
- when you go to the bathroom, refill your water bottle
- get regular exercise for at least 20-30 minutes a day, 5 days a week